+ Litigation
AB have a team of highly commercial and experienced litigators with proven expertise in dispute resolution across a broad range of industries. We have a strong track record of extracting favourable results from difficult scenarios while staying true to our human centered approach.
We believe people issues are absolutely central to disputes management and represent an entire spectrum of factors that can have very little to do with the merits of a case. They can provide opportunities for leverage as well as unique avenues towards resolution and, when managed well, they can lead to exceptional outcomes that would not have seemed possible when assessing the matter on paper. This is core to our approach.
We also have an ingrained understanding that disputes of all kinds are generally highly stressful and, while we can never remove those feelings entirely, we do believe that they can be mitigated through a clear strategy and honest communication.
If that approach sounds appealing, please get in touch or click below to learn more.
The key with disputes is to look at them as a predictable course of business. If you know your prospects and your options, you remain in control.
— Amanda Cefai, Principal
Popular Solutions
Shareholder Disputes -
There are few things that can test a relationship like starting a business together. As the business evolves, shareholders need to adapt, and views and interests start to diverge. At AB we have a track record of helping companies to resolve those disagreements.
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Financial Services Disputes (AFCA)
Our combination of specialisations in disputes and financial services means we are exceptionally strongly placed to manage financial services disputes. In particular, we have an in-depth understanding of AFCA as a forum (read more on that here).
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Litigation for Lenders -
Our wealth of expertise in related areas such as insolvency and bankruptcy law, commercial contracts, and financial services positions us well to provide a tailored, and technically superior approach to lending disputes, including the enforcement of mortgagee rights.
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Insurance Litigation -
AB is often sought out as a specialist litigation firm that does not act for the insurer. We have a specialisation in complex, high-stakes disputes against insurers in all types of insurance coverage claims and matters, as well as policy and coverage advice.
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Complex Debt Recovery
Recovering large or old debts can be a challenging exercise for any individual, company or business owner, with numerous complicating factors to overcome. We have a strong expertise and track record in using non-standard methods to achieve recovery.
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Employment Disputes -
We assist clients in all types of disputes related to employment, including discrimination claims and wrongful termination suits, at all stages of the process ranging from legal advice to representation in court, mediation, arbitration, and other dispute resolution forums.