Jin Nam
Jin began his litigation career in statutory insurance and later transitioned into the realm of commercial litigation.
Embracing this new path, he dedicated himself to understanding the commercial nuances of complex disputes, which he finds is a delicate balancing act between a client’s commercial and non-commercial interests.
Today, Jin seamlessly weaves together his experience in insurance claims with his newfound expertise in commercial disputes. Armed with an in-depth understanding of the intricacies of disputes and a commercial mindset, he takes pride in providing practical advice to facilitate wholistic outcomes.
As AB’s first successfully socialised introvert, reported sightings of Jin include at his local gym in early mornings (a legalese-free environment), though he is known to be easily lured by nerdy tech gizmos.
In a world filled with good lawyers, the better ones excel in tailoring advice to offer commercially structured solutions rather than overloading clients with technical legal distinctions. A commercial dispute is, by nature, commercial – so it follows that the best legal solution always incorporates a client’s commercial interests and concerns.
- Jin Nam